Edinburgh University students vote against beef ban on campus

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Thousands of students at Edinburgh University have voted to reject proposals to ban beef in all student run catering outlets.

The result comes after a motion to cease the sale of all beef products in Students’ Association cafes and restaurants was debated on January 30.

The motion failed to pass the threshold of at least 50 per cent of votes in favour and therefore went to an online ballot on February 7.

Some 6,000 students took part in the online poll and over half (58 per cent) voted against the motion, which would have seen beef removed from the menu.

In a statement, the Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) said: “We are pleased that nearly 6,000 of you students voted, showing a highly engaged student membership who want to have their say.

“The Students’ Association will continue to offer beef products as an option in our cafes, restaurants and shops.”


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