Darlington’s new auction mart celebrates opening with Beef Expo

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TWO cattle competitions will take place at this year’s Beef Expo 2020 held near Darlington.

For the first time the Burke Beef Trophy will be awarded to the best commercial pair.

The award is widely seen as the pinnacle of UK cattle breeding and will be awarded to commercial cattle for this year only, to mark the opening of the new Darlington Farmers Auction Mart at Humbleton Park Auction Centre on Thursday, May 28.

Entries for the Burke Beef Trophy pairs class are open to cattle entered into the NCCS, and can be a pair of bullocks, a pair of heifers or a bullock and heifer, but each pair must be owned by the same exhibitor.

Andrew Lazenby, chief executive of the Royal Agricultural Society, said: “The RASE is delighted to support the presentation of the Burke Trophy at this year’s Beef Expo and we’re looking forward to an impressive entry of cattle to showcase UK beef production.”

The Burke Beef Trophy will also be awarded to the Pedigree Beef Interbreed Pair at the South of England Show, which takes place from June 11-13.

Entry forms and schedules for the Beef Expo NBA Commercial Cattle Show (NCCS) will be sent to exhibitors in the middle of this month. They will also be available at www,nationalbeefassociation.com/beef-expo. Entries close on April 27.

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