UK pork exports to Mexico move closer

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Ambitions for Mexico to gain access to UK pork has moved a step closer after a recent delegation to inspect facilities was described as ‘positive’.

The delegation of Mexican officials spent two weeks visiting abattoirs and processors to learn more about the UK’s pork production controls.

They also met with pork processors Cranswick, Karro and Tulip as well as viewing several cold storage facilities across the country.

The inspections formed part of ongoing work by the AHDB in partnership with Defra, to open the market for pork exports.

Mexico represents a major opportunity for the UK’s pork sector. It is the second largest importer of pork – accounting for nine per cent of total international trade.

In 2018, the country imported 1.2 million tonnes of pig meat, three quarters of which was fresh/frozen primary pork. The remainder was mostly offal.

AHDB International Market Development Director, Dr Phil Hadley said: “The Mexican market represents a major opportunity for the UK pork sector with a rise in consumption and demand currently outstripping production capabilities.

“We are confident this inspection will be another step forward in the UK’s ambition to access this important market and build on our already impressive pork export figures.”

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