Small increase to GB cattle prices

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By Jennie Tanner

In the week ending 7 March, the all prime cattle price rose slightly, up by 0.1p on the week to average 335.2p/kg. The latest price is now 4.2p less than the same week last year, and 9.6p below the five-year average, the gap between the two closing further.

Overall steer prices rose by 0.7p on the week, reversing last weeks drop, to average 335.7p/kg, R4L steers also reversed their reduction of last week with an increase of 2p on the week to 347p/kg. Meanwhile, the overall heifer price fell slightly on the week, by 0.5p to average 336.5p/kg, although R4L spec rose by 0.6p to average 346.5p/kg.

Young bull prices were down 2.4p on the week overall, while, like the heifers, those of R4L spec rose by 5.2p.

Estimated all prime throughput was up 840 head on the week, to 33,800 head.

Cow prices fell this week, the first time since mid -January falling by 2.4p on the week to average 233.6p/kg. Estimated throughput was up 300 head on the week to around 10,200 head.

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