Philippines issues temporary ban on imported poultry from US

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The Philippine Department of Agriculture (DA) has issued a temporary ban on the import of domestic and wild birds and their products from the US following an avian virus outbreak in South Carolina.

Hanoi (VNA) – The Philippine Department of Agriculture (DA) has issued a temporary ban on the import of domestic and wild birds and their products from the US following an avian virus outbreak in South Carolina.

The office said an official report submitted to the World Organisation for Animal Health affirmed there was an outbreak of H7N3 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus in the state’s Chesterfield County that affects turkeys.

Agriculture Secretary William Dar issued an immediate suspension of the processing, evaluation of the application and issuance of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) import clearance to the said commodities.

Dar said there would be a stoppage and confiscation of all shipments of the commodities into the Philippines by all DA veterinary quarantine officers at all major ports of entry.

All incoming poultry shipments with SPS import clearance issued on or before April 14 will be allowed provided that frozen poultry meat has a slaughter or process date of 21 days prior to the HPAI outbreak on or before March 19.

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