Export of Irish beef to China temporarily suspended due to case of ‘Atypical BSE’

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The Department of Agriculture has confirmed that the export of Irish beef to China has been suspended temporarily as a result of a case of “Atypical BSE”.

The decision was made after a 14-year-old-cow tested positive.

The cow was tested as part of the department’s surveillance of “fallen” animals. It had died on a farm and was tested at a knackery.

The detection of an Atypical BSE case is not a factor in changing Ireland’s BSE risk status and will not affect the country’s current “controlled risk” status.

The department confirmed this afternoon that in line with a protocol agreed with Chinese authorities, the export of beef has been “voluntarily suspended”.

The result of an epidemiological report is to be discussed with Chinese authorities.

There are no public health risks associated with this case, says the department.

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