China Halts Tyson Poultry Imports From Arkansas Plant After Virus Outbreak

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On Sunday, China’s customs officials disclosed they had halted shipments of chicken products from a US meat processing facility owned by Tyson Inc. that had been infected by the highly-contagious novel coronavirus.

The General Customs Administration stated it had decided on the suspension on its website after the processor said it had confirmed a cluster of virus cases at its facility in Springdale, Arizona.

Tyson’s spokesperson Gary Mickelson said the company was assessing the issue, adding it is cooperating with local health officials to make sure its food is produced in full compliance with government’s safety standards.

The suspension implemented on Sunday covered poultry imports that have arrived in China or are about to be shipped in the country, China’s General Administration of Customs revealed. The Customs order did not specify the quantity of imports that the Tyson plant supplied, or other information regarding its products.

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