Local lockdown considered for Anglesey as coronavirus infections at 2 Sisters chicken plant double

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Public Health Wales said the number of people linked to the Llangefni 2 Sisters plant diagnosed with the virus had grown to 158 and the number of infections was expected to keep growing.

The Welsh Government is considering a local lockdown on Anglesey to prevent a coronavirus outbreak at a meat processing plant on the island spreading further.

The news comes as it was confirmed that a total of 158 people have now been diagnosed at the 2 Sisters chicken processing plant in Llangefni, Anglesey.

Public Health Wales said that 83 more people linked to the meat plant had tested positive as of 3pm on Sunday – in addition to the 75 who had tested positive as of 3pm on Saturday.

Dr Christopher Johnson, Consultant in Health Protection at Public Health Wales said: “Since we commenced targeted testing last Thursday, over 400 members of staff have provided samples so far. Testing of employees continues, and it is likely that some additional cases will be identified in coming days.

“The increase in cases is as we anticipated when a focused track and trace programme is implemented, and does not mean that the spread of infection is increasing.”

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