2 Sisters to reopen Anglesey abattoir hit by Covid outbreak – with 30 extra safety measures in place

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2 Sisters will today reopen its Anglesey abattoir which was closed for two weeks following a Covid outbreak.

The chicken processing plant had its first positive case at the end of May and the virus spread through the workforce – forcing its closure just over a fortnight ago.

A mass testing programme was carried out by Army run mobile testing units and Public Health Wales confirmed more than 200 workers at the 560 staff plant tested positive for coronavirus.

Now the site will reopen again with staff starting to come back to the site from this morning and production to start up in the coming days

Ranjit Singh Boparan, president of 2 Sisters parent company Boparan Holdings Ltd, has also written to Anglesey council’s chief executive Annwen Morgan to thank them for their support.

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