Australian Lamb Company closes as COVID-19 cases confirmed

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VICTORIAN sheep meat processor, the Australian Lamb Company, has been forced to close for at least two weeks as COVID-19 testing confirms eight coronavirus cases among employees.

And Warrnambool-based meat processor Midfield Meat International has also closed its processing plant as a precaution, despite having no positive COVID-19 cases, after a meat inspector connected with the Colac outbreak briefly worked at its abattoir.

An ALC spokesperson said on Friday 17 July the company confirmed an ALC contractor employed at its Colac processing facility was in self-isolation following a positive result from a COVID-19 test performed on Friday 10 July.

“Further testing of ALC employees conducted by local health authorities has now confirmed an additional eight (8) positive results.

“All workers employed at the site have been instructed to quarantine and we continue to work with health authorities to finalise testing,” the spokesperson said.

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