China June pork imports jump 128.4% on year: customs

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BEIJING (Reuters) – China imported 400,000 tonnes of pork in June, customs data showed on Thursday, up 128.4% from the same month a year earlier, as a months-long buying spree continued as importers try to help plug a domestic shortage.

China’s pork output declined by about a fifth in the first half of 2020 after an epidemic of African swine fever killed millions of pigs in the country last year.

The imports mark the fourth straight month of pork shipments of around 400,000 tonnes, double the volume of earlier records.

January to June pork imports were up 142.7% at 2.12 million tonnes.

Imports of pork including offal in June came to 540,000 tonnes, up 102.5% from a year earlier, bringing total imports for this year to end-June to 2.82 million tonnes, the data also showed.
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