Tulip reopens Bromborough site with recruitment drive and £15m investment

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Tulip has announced plans to reopen its Bromborough site from August and has launched a major recruitment drive, creating over 120 job roles in the local area.

Production begins in August and is supported with a £15m investment, introducing state-of-the-art food manufacturing technology and equipment, as the site looks to become a centre of excellence for the UK’s fresh pork manufacturing.

A wide-ranging number of roles will be available across operational positions, as well as engineering and technical apprenticeships.

Operations will initially focus on the production of higher welfare, Red Tractor and EU fresh pork for retail customers, with scope for further growth and expansion in the future.

CEO Andrew Cracknell said: “The re-opening of our site in Bromborough, which comes with significant capital investment and job creation, is great news for our business, the local community and our customers.”

In addition, Julian Weeks has been appointed to the position of Site Director at Tulip Bromborough.

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