71 jobs set to be lost at meat and poultry manufacturer in Wrexham

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More than 70 jobs at a meat and poultry manufacturer in Wrexham are set to be in lost in what a union has today described “as another blow to North Wales economy.”

Tyson Foods Wrexham Limited, located on the Llay Industrial Estate, is to close at the end of September according to Unite the Union.

The company had acquired the business 12 months ago from BRF Wrexham Limited.

Unite have been in consultation with Tyson Foods for the last month and it was hoped that a buyer for the site could be found.

However the union say that today the business has confirmed that is is proceeding with the closure of the site, resulting in the loss of 71 jobs.

Jo Goodchild, Unite Wales regional officer, said: “This is devastating news for a loyal and dedicated workforce.

“The economy of North East Wales has seen a succession of large scale redundancies in recent months and today’s news is more bad news for the local area.

“This site was first opened in 1962 under Frimbo Foods and is one of the main employers for individuals in the locality of Llay in Wrexham.

“Some employees have worked at the site in excess of 40 years, it is the only job they have ever had.

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