Sheep farmers raise concern over UK-Australia trade deal

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British sheep farming must not become the ‘sacrificial lamb’ in future trade deals with Australia and New Zealand, the National Sheep Association has warned.

This was the message delivered by the National Sheep Association (NSA) to the International Trade Select committee at a meeting this week.

Establishing new trade deals is a central part of government strategy and relates closely to the UK’s departure from the EU.

However, they are looked on across all business sectors, finance, IT, data, manufacturing and agricultural produce.

The NSA said it was therefore inevitable that trade-offs between these sectors come into play, putting the UK sheep industry in a ‘vulnerable position’.

NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker gave evidence at an International Trade Select committee on Wednesday (23 September) examining the impact of these trade deals, speaking alongside trade researchers and think tanks, and representatives of other industries.

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