Germany finds two more swine fever cases, one in new area

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HAMBURG (Reuters) – Two more cases of African swine fever (ASF) have been confirmed in wild boars in the eastern German state of Brandenburg, with one found outside the area of the first discoveries, the federal agriculture ministry said on Wednesday.

One new discovery was confirmed in the Maerkisch-Oderland district in Brandenburg outside of the area further south where the first cases were found, the ministry said. The sites are about 60 kilometres apart.

The second case was inside the original area, it added.

“The state of Brandenburg must now undertake an appropriate adaptation of the existing protection zones and protection measures to prevent a further expansion of the disease,” the ministry said.

The Brandenburg state government said the case in Maerkisch-Oderland involved a wild boar shot by a hunter close to the Polish border. The site of the find will now be closed off with a 20 kilometre long electrified fence.

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