China temporarily suspends beef imports from Minerva Brazil plant

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SAO PAULO/BRASILIA, Sept 30 (Reuters) – China on Wednesday said it would temporarily suspend imports from a beef plant owned by Brazilian meatpacker Minerva SA for a week, in the latest suspension amid concerns over coronavirus contamination in Brazilian meat plants.

The Chinese customs authority said in a statement on its website dated Wednesday that the suspension would take effect on Thursday and last for one week, after which imports could resume.

The statement did not give a reason for the suspension and identified the facility by its registration number as a plant in the Barretos municipality of Sao Paulo state.

According to a Chinese customs statement issued on Thursday, the authority said the suspension came after a package of frozen boneless beef from Minerva SA had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Minerva declined to comment. The company is South America’s largest exporter of beef, with China being the largest importer of Brazilian meat.

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