Additional wild boar control measures announced in Brandenburg as confirmed ASF cases nears 50

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Additional measures to control the wild boar population and to find and test dead animals in Brandenburg have been announced as the number of confirmed African swine fever cases in the state approaches 50. 

Three more cases of ASF were confirmed in wild boar in the region over the weekend, taking the total to 49. All three cases were in the core area around the original outbreak, confirmed on September 10.

New protection zones have been set up since the original cluster of cases as new outbreaks have emerged, including one in the north of the state 60km away from the original outbreak and thought to be unrelated to it. It is thought that the virus has been circulating in wild boar in the state at least since early July.

Brandenburg Consumer Protection Minister Ursula Nonnemacher has now ordered additional measures to control the virus beyond the existing protection zones, German pig industry organisation ISN reports.

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