Denmark reverses ‘two meat-free days a week’ policy

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Denmark has reversed its stance on imposing two meat-free days a week in state canteens, with the government now saying it is up to individual workplaces whether they want to introduce it or not.

Officials had planned to introduce two vegetarian days a week in the canteens, along with limiting beef or lamb to once a week.

The measures were part of a wider green strategy, ranging from the introduction of emission-free vehicle fleets to the mandatory use of eco-labeled products.

But after dialogue with several employee organisations, the government has undertaken a U-turn on the controversial meat-free policy.

Denmark, well known for its bacon, is one of the world’s largest pig meat exporters – a country with 2.15 pigs for every person.

The country’s finance minister Nicolai Wammen said it must be up to the individual state workplace to decide if they wanted to go meat-free.

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