Backlog on farms ‘inevitable’ as COVID problems curtail processing

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A backlog of pigs on farms is inevitable as pork processing factories continue to face problems with COVID-19, according to Thames Valley Cambac. 

Significant problems were experienced last week at two large plants, while others had kills curtailed sharply, as the supply chain continues to struggle with factory closures, short kills and last minute cancellations due to COVID-19, TVC said in its latest weekly market update.

“Pig growth is excellent on most units at the moment, so a backlog is inevitable. We urge all producers to be aware that this situation may deteriorate, and to try and make provision on farm to build a buffer in supply,” TVC said.

“We at TVC will move as many as we can, but will need the cooperation of producers (and hauliers) to achieve this.”

“Pricing was secondary to movements but most contract contributions eased 1p to 2p. Fresh meat demand was lacklustre, as the country settled in to a second national lockdown.”

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