Tyson Foods announces plans to expand poultry processing in Europe

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Tyson Foods has announced plans to build new production facilities in China and Thailand, and expand its facility in the Netherlands. The latest expansions, adding over 100,000 metric tons of fully cooked poultry capacity, build on the company’s global growth strategy.

“Global population and income growth will continue to drive an increased need for protein,” said Dean Banks, president and chief executive of Tyson Foods. “These investments allow us to increase our in-country operations and global export capabilities, helping us bring more safe, high-quality protein for consumers in these countries as well as for customers in other parts of the world.”

The expansions are expected to create many direct and indirect jobs as production starts in local communities. The new plant in China is expected to create more than 700 jobs and the European expansion will add more than 150 jobs. Thailand’s new plant, part of a long-standing joint venture with GFPT Public Company Limited, is expected to bring more than 1,000 jobs.

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