Belgian Meat Office: The Philippines Lift Ban on Importing European Pork from Belgium

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BRUSSELS, Nov. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — On 26 October, the Philippine Government published a memorandum order to lift the temporary ban on the importation of domestic pigs and their products from Belgium. The order took immediate effect. Just over two years after the ASF outbreak in wild boar in Belgium, the Philippines are the first major Asian market to re-open for European Pork from Belgium—a reward for Belgium’s successful ASF approach.

The Philippine Government has determined two important export conditions for Belgium, which Belgium will scrupulously respect:

  • The meat has to come from animals that were born in an AVP-free zone or that have stayed in such a zone for at least 3 months.
  • The animals must be slaughtered in an officially recognized slaughterhouse, where they must undergo a favourable inspection, ante- and post-mortem.

All domestic swine in the initial infected zone have been eradicated under the supervision of the Belgian Government, and the re-population of farms in this zone remains forbidden.

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