Taiwan voices confidence in trade deal with new U.S. government

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TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan’s foreign minister voiced confidence on Saturday that the incoming government of U.S. President-elect Joe Biden would support a long sought-after bilateral trade agreement, following high level economic talks with the outgoing administration.

Last month, Frank Jannuzi, a key Biden aide when the president-elect was in Congress, wrote that Washington should prioritise free trade negotiations with Taiwan to encourage others, including Britain, the European Union and Japan, to follow suit.

In August, Taiwan eased restrictions on imports of U.S. pork and beef, which had been a stumbling block to free trade talks.

Speaking in Taipei after Taiwan-U.S. economic talks, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu noted the cross-aisle support for Taiwan’s meat decision, as well as October’s call by 50 U.S. senators from both parties for President Donald Trump’s administration to begin negotiating a trade deal with the island.

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