Another challenging week as pork plant capacity remains under pressure

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Last week proved to be another challenging one with kill capacities still below the norm, and little opportunity to process the typical throughputs for this time of year, according to Thames Valley Cambac.

“This meant that the slaughter pig backlog increased again, with serious space issues now being reported from some producers. Added to this is that pigs are growing exceptionally well at the moment and average weights remained at near record levels. Contract price contributions fell further, and there was no spot trade.” TVC said in its latest market update.

The fresh meat market was equally quiet with minimal interest from many, while the cull sow market stood on, although some processing was curtailed due to staffing issues.

European markets continued to fall, with Spain losing a further 5 eurocents, and France and the Netherland 3.However, price quotes in sterling were enhanced slightly by the small improvement in the Euro, up 0.05p at 89.44p.


By Alistair Driver

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