Further increases for GB lamb

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GB lamb prices rose yet again in the latest week. In the week ending 9 December, the GB liveweight NSL SQQ lifted by almost 2p to average 218.13p/kg.

This measure is now 26p above the same week last year, and 44p above the five-year average.

Total throughput at British auction marts increased by 9% (11,800 head) on the previous week, estimated at 146,800 head. This is an increase of 7% (9,600 head) when compared to the sane week last year.

The deadweight price enjoyed another increase in the week ending 5 December, lifting over 5p to average 479.1p/kg. The measure is now around 52p above the same week last year, and significantly above the five-year average, up by around 83p.



By Bronwyn Magee

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