Chinese supermarkets, consumers seek domestic meats to cut contamination risks

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China’s meat imports have dwindled in recent months as concerns persist over the safety of imported cold-chain products, pushing up demand and prices for domestically-produced meat as Chinese customers seek safer alternatives. 

According to data from China’s General Administration of Customs, pork and beef imports in November stood at 330,000 tons, down almost 70 percent from July. Beef imports alone fell 23 percent to 170,000 tons.

Yang Meng, owner of a large seafood importing company catering to several provinces in North China, told the Global Times on Sunday that the import volume of his company was down significantly from a year earlier, and he has been losing money all year.

“Demand has returned quite a bit compared with February and March, but it is still around 60 percent of what we used to import in 2019,” Yang said.

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