AHDB Meat Education Programme student numbers boosted by pandemic

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AHDB’s Meat Education Programme has now awarded over 10,000 certificates after a surge in popularity last year, due to Covid-19 restrictions enabling more learners to commit more time, leading to improved retention and successes across its programmes.

With the possibility of the latest nationwide lockdown restrictions continuing AHDB now expects  even more chefs, butchers and meat industry associates to take advantage of the training programme.

The free programme is for anyone in the meat industry, including butchers, meat suppliers, chefs and front of house colleagues’, to advance and hone their skills, such as providing cooking skills and practical and theoretical butchery for beef, lamb and pork, to offer the optimal customer service experience.

Rolled out to industry by a number of training providers, industry leading Crosby Management Training are strong advocates of the programme and offer it to some of the biggest players in the industry.

Mike Whitmore at Crosby Management Training said the AHDB Meat Education Programme is at the centre of its teachings: “We find it an invaluable tool in the training of our apprentices on many of our programmes and only ever receive excellent feedback from all our students. In fact once registered on the site, many choose to study and complete more than is required.”



by Iain Hoey / Pig World

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