GB prime prices hold firm, while cow prices tick up

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In the week ending 23 January, the GB all prime average deadweight cattle price stood at 377.3p/kg, lifting just 0.4p on the week before. This measure is now above the price achieved for the same week last year by 45.5p/kg.

Estimated throughput for the week totalled 33,300 head, virtually unchanged on the week before (-0.1%), but up by 2,300 head (7%) compared to the same week last year.

Price movements were mixed across all prime categories, with young bulls falling the most, down nearly 8p overall compared to the previous week. Despite this, prices for all categories remain well above those seen last year.

Weekly price movements for w/e 23 January:

  • Steers (overall): 377.9p/kg down 0.1p
  • Steers (R4L): 387.4p/kg up 0.4p
  • Heifers (overall): 378.9p/kg up 2.0p
  • Young bulls (overall): 353.1p/kg down 7.8p

The GB deadweight average cull cow price rose by 3.7p in the week ending 23 January to average 249.3p/kg. This now puts cull cow prices 22.7p above the same week last year. Prices also lifted for those meeting the -O4L specification, up 2.2p on the week to average 262.6p/kg.

Cull cow throughput dropped back on the week, down 400 head (3%), estimated at 13,000 head. Throughput remains above that seen last year, up 1,000 head (9%) compared to the same week in 2020.


By Bronwyn Magee / AHDB


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