Fourth UK meat processor given green light to export to the USA

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A fourth processing site in the UK has won approval to export its beef to the USA – marking a major leap forward for the business and for the red meat sector as a whole.

Foyle Food Group in Gloucester is now listed on the official ‘USDA Approved’ list, which means commercial exports of beef can commence with immediate effect.

Foyle Foods Group has its main headquarters located in Northern Ireland (NI) and its NI plant received access to the USA market last September.

It comes after extensive work by the company with support from the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) , Defra, the Food Standards Agency and the UK Export Certification Partnership.

The USA market is currently experiencing price rises for beef and an increased demand for premium products – driven by changing purchasing behaviour across all income groups.


by William Kellett / Agriland

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