Liveweight lamb prices hold their ground, deadweight prices tumble

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Daily liveweight lamb prices reversed their trend of last week, rising early in the week, but falling later.

In the week ended 7 July, the GB liveweight NSL SQQ gained 1.64p, to stand at 250.26p/kg. This is just over 28p above the same week last year.

Auction market throughputs bounced back from the exceptionally low level recorded last week to stand at 112,800 head. Cull ewe throughout increased by almost two thirds to stand at 62,000 head.

The high level of cull ewe throughputs has been driven by the upcoming festival of Eid. It is common to see a sharp rise just before the festival, with numbers returning to a more typical level afterwards.

For deadweight prices, the premium of this year’s prices over last year’s prices has been eroded this week to just 30p.

During the week ending 3 July, the GB deadweight NSL SQQ fell 68.4p, to 518.8p/kg. Despite this sharp fall the price is still strong compared to the five year average for this time of year.

By Rebecca Wright / AHDB

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