Pig culling starts on ‘handful’ of farms across country

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Culling has started on a ‘handful’ of pig farms across the country with fears this could become more widespread unless solutions to the crisis are found.

About 600 pigs have been killed on farms already, according to the National Pig Association (NPA) which fears mass culling could be the ‘next stage in the process’.

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies said: “We know of a handful of farmers who have had to cull some pigs – around 600 we are aware of in total.

“As you can imagine this is hugely difficult for the farmers involved and to date none are willing to speak to the press about it.”

Some farmers are choosing to use knackermen, the trade body said, as they “just can’t bear to do it themselves and don’t want ask their staff to do it”.

NPA chairman Rob Mutimer added: “There are now producers actively euthanising piglets – they have run out of room.

“They are tending to euthanise the younger ones and get the older ones away as they can.”


by Farming UK

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