Pork industry ‘relieved’ as extra visas granted to foreign butchers

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The government announced extra visas following warnings that up to 150,000 pigs could be killed as ‘waste’

There is “relief all round” in the pork industry after the Government announced an extra 800 visas for foreign butchers.

The sector has called for more action to solve the problem of labour shortages long-term.

Experts have attributed staff shortages in the industry to an “inherent lack of interest” from UK workers as it struggles to attract new recruits, they continued that many people find it “off-putting”.

The Government announced the extra visas on Thursday following warnings that up to 150,000 pigs could be killed as “waste” due to an increasing backlog of animals ready to be slaughtered.

Overseas pork butchers will be eligible to apply for six-month visas from the existing allocation in the Seasonal Workers Pilot Scheme up until December 31.

Mike Sheldon, pork sector board chair of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Mike Sheldon, said the additional workers will make a “significant difference” to stretched workforces.

He continued: “It’s caused relief all round. I don’t think you’ll find any negative comment about it from within the industry at all.

“The situation was getting very real and very serious so we are relieved.


by George McMillan / GB News

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