Calls to halt EU pork imports as ASF sweeps across Europe

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Pork imports from EU countries with confirmed cases of African Swine Fever (ASF) must be halted or the domestic pig sector could face economic devastation.

That was the message from NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy as he warned the Westminster Government that ASF was ‘moving fast’ across Europe, posing a serious biosecurity risk to producers.

In a letter to Defra Secretary George Eustice, Mr Kennedy pointed out no checks had been carried out on EU pork imports to the UK since January 2021, adding this could not be allowed to continue.

“The Government has taken no action to date due to concerns about breaking compliance with the Trade and Cooperation Agreement,” he said.

“We have been told that action would be permitted if Europe is having difficulties in controlling disease outbreaks.

“Following discussions with European colleagues, this is clearly now the case.

“I am in no doubt that should the situation have been reversed, our exports would have been stopped entering Europe many weeks ago.”



by Hannah Binns / Farmers Guardian 

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