Brexit fails to deliver for small abattoirs

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The EU imposition of veterinary inspection fees, for example, has been widely touted as having a damaging effect on the sector.

John Mettrick, who owns a small abattoir in Derbyshire and holds key positions in the Abattoir Sector Group and National Craft Butchers, told Farmers Guardian the Government was reluctant to diverge from EU law as Ministers fear this could be used as ‘an excuse’ for the bloc to ban UK exports.

He said: “We have been under the cosh from these EU regulations which saw abattoirs close, and we were told when we came out of the EU, we would be in control and we would be able to get rid of some of the regulations which have not been advantageous to small plants.

“We were told it would be great, but actually, it is worse. We are almost more beholden to EU regulation now we are out than when we were in.”

The UK has also been accused of ‘goldplating’ EU rules, by insisting any slaughterhouse which exceeds 1,000 livestock units in a year has full veterinary inspection, as opposed to delayed post-mortem inspection.

“Why would you go for full veterinary supervision when these businesses have been operating with part veterinary supervision, especially when we are short of vets?”




by Abi Kay / Farmers Guardian

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