UK red meat exports up on pre-pandemic levels

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Many markets increased imports of UK red meat, in particular in Asia, figures by AHDB show, despite a number of factors impacting trade last year.

The Asian marketplace continues to be incredibly important for the UK pork sector, representing 55% of pig meat exports in 2021.

Last year, pork exports to the Philippines increased three-fold and shipments to South Korea doubled.

And while China – the biggest export market for UK pork – imported 16% less pork last year than 2020, it was still home to 42% of all pork exports, with shipments of offal up 17%.

Japan, which opened its doors to UK beef in 2019, also saw a 48 percent increase in shipments last year.

The EU still remains a key market for beef exports, representing 71% of beef shipments from the UK, but AHDB says third country markets are growing.


Farming UK


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