Seasonal worker visa scheme for poultry confirmed until 2024

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The seasonal worker visa scheme for poultry has been confirmed until 2024, following efforts by the NFU to engage with Defra and the Home Office.

On 5 July, Defra and the Home Office hosted an online meeting, which was attended by poultry businesses and NFU chief poultry adviser Aimee Mahony.

Since the Temporary Visa Scheme for poultry was announced in 2021, the NFU has been providing evidence to the government and asking for a suitable dedicated scheme for the poultry sector for 2022 and beyond.

There is now a commitment for 2,000 visas each year until 2024. The NFU said the costs associated with the scheme will be lower going forwards, the announcement of visa availability has been made three months earlier compared to 2021, and a tendering process for two poultry-specific labour providers has now opened.

The NFU said visas will be available for workers arriving on the 1 November 2022 and they will need to leave the UK by the 31 December 2022.


By Chloe Ryan / Poultry News

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