Saudi Arabia bans Polish poultry products

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RIYADH — The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has imposed a temporary ban on the import of poultry meat, table eggs, and their products and equipment from the Wielkopolskie region of Poland.

The authority’s move came after receiving an immediate notification report issued by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), following outbreaks of severe avian influenza, with all its ferocity in Wielkopolskie.

The SFDA has exempted from the temporary ban those products such as poultry meat, table eggs, and their products and equipment that were subjected to a heat treatment that has the capability to eliminate the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. The authority also stipulated conditions that this process would conform to the health requirements and controls and approved standard specifications, with a health certificate issued by the official authorities accredited to Poland confirming that the product is free from the virus.


Saudi Gazette 

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