China must recover pig production, stabilize pork supply: vice premier

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Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua said the country must resolutely work to achieve the target of recovering pig production numbers, and stabilize pork supply for the upcoming holidays, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

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China must ensure stable pork supply in key periods of early 2020, including the Lunar New Year holidays in January and during the annual National People’s Congress in March, Xinhua cited Hu as saying at a meeting on animal husbandry on Saturday.

Millions of pigs have died or been culled due to the African swine fever outbreak in China and other Asian countries such as Vietnam. The disease has slashed China’s pig herd by as much as half since August 2018, U.S. agribusiness firm Archer Daniels Midland Co said in November.


Lusha Zhang & Se Young Lee

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