The run up to Eid-al-Adha

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By Rebecca Wright

There is currently some additional demand for lamb due to the Islamic festival of Eid-al-Adha. In 2020 the festival will be held on approximately 30 July, and run until 3 August, although the exact dates are based upon sightings of the moon at the time.

Eid-al-Adha begins around 70 days after the end of Ramadan. As part of the festival every Muslim follows in the footsteps of the Prophet Abraham and has an animal slaughtered as an offering to God. The meat, called the Qurbani, is spilt into three portions – one for the person buying, one for friends and neighbours, and one for charity. Processors typically begin sourcing animals two or three weeks before the festival.

To meet the requirements of Qurbani, the sacrificed lamb must be at least six months old and be fit, healthy and lean. The timing this year means lambs must have been born before 30 January. There is a pick-up in demand for lambs meeting these specifications.

Demand throughout the festival is elevated for all halal meat (including beef and lamb), which can support prices overall.

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