UK pork trade continues to struggle against global pressures

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The UK pork trade continues to struggle on the main stage as issues including waning Chinese demand and oversupply within the EU persist into 2022, according to a report from AHDB.

UK pig meat exports were down by 11% in January on the previous month as the country struggles to make its mark outside a year on from its formal exit from the EU.

This has not been helped by a marked recovery in the Chinese pig herd and oversupply of pork in the EU, which continued to impact export volumes for the second half of 2021.

Duncan Wyatt, AHDB lead analyst for red meat noted that although volumes to China have been increasing in recent months, this is from a low base compared to 2020 and in January 2022 only 7,300 tonnes was exported there, down from around 11,000 in the same month the previous year. There remain three processing facilities in the UK that do not have access to the Chinese market following self-suspension in the wake of Coronavirus outbreaks.


by Iain Hoey / Pig World

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