Irish Cattle Trade & Prices

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Cattle & Beef

Throughput: Up until the week ending August 27th 2023, the overall cattle throughput in DAFM approved plants has totalled approximately 1,100,616 head, a 3% decrease from the corresponding period last year. Cattle supplies are expected to see some seasonal increase as we move into the Autumn. Cow availability has declined in recent weeks and for the year-to-date cow-slaughtering’s are running 36,752 head behind of record 2022 levels. Prices for cows had also eased in recent weeks , reflecting a weaker trade in Europe for manufacturing beef. For the week ending August 27th 2023, a total of 34,504 head of cattle were processed, which represented a decrease of 3.7% or -1,360 head on the equivalent week last year.

Prices: Despite tighter cattle supplies and lighter carcase weights, difficult market conditions in the UK and Europe have impacted on Irish producer prices over the past two months. The most recent British retail data from Kantar Worldpanel, covering the 12-week period up to August 6th, shows a 1.1% reduction in consumer beef purchases in volume terms. However, the average retail price of beef had increased by 12% to £8.57 (€9.95) per kilo compared with a year previous, resulting in a 11% increase in shoppers overall spending on beef. Total purchase volumes of primary beef cuts  increasing slightly by 0.9%, which gives some encouragement for the  final part of the year

Base quotes for steers have improved, largely on the basis of tighter cattle numbers in Ireland and Europe and mostly range from €4.60 and €4.65/kg, while quotes for heifers mainly ranging from €4.65 to €4.70/kg. Regarding cull cow prices, well-fleshed O-grades are typically selling for between €3.90 and €4.00/kg. Finished P-grade cows are mainly making between €3.70 and €3.80/kg, while prices paid for better R-grade cull cows have been between €4.00 and €4.10/kg.


Ireland: Weekly Cattle Prices 30th August

Factories paying 10/15c/kg above quotes. Steer base €4.60/4.70/kg. Heifer base €4.65/4.75/kg. Young Bulls R/U €4.80/5.00/kg.

Higher prices for larger and specialised lots. Cows €3.80/€4.40/kg. In-spec bonus 20c/kg for under 30 months and 8c/kg for 30 to 36 months. 12c/kg bonus for under 30 month steers and heifers grading O- and those with a fat class of 4+ that meet all other in spec criteria.



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