AHDB: Lamb market update for October

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The liveweight SQQ averaged 255p/kg in October, up by just under 4p since September.

Liveweight SQQ prices ended the month as they started, averaging 252p/kg for the week ending 4 November, having peaked at 258p/kg in the second week.

The deadweight  SQQ  averaged 564p/kg in October, up 14p since September, having gained momentum through the month.

The cull ewe price has eased again in October 2023 to average £73.20/head for the month.

UK sheep meat production for October 2023 totalled 25,200 tonnes.  This growth has been driven by an increase in clean sheep slaughterings, which currently sits at 1.1m head for October.

Regarding trade movements, September sheep meat import volumes continued to rise, with imports from Australia growing, displacing some of New Zealand’s imports into the UK.

Export levels have also continued to rise totalling 6,900 tonnes.



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