Jersey abattoir reopens after Storm damage

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The only abattoir in Jersey has reopened earlier than expected after being damaged in Storm Ciarán.

The St Helier facility sustained extensive damage and was forced to close in November.

The abattoir will be operating on extra days to make sure all animals are processed in time for Christmas.

The Infrastructure & Environment Department said staff had been working closely with farmers to “prioritise their animals as necessary”.

Deputy Tom Binet said the abattoir had suffered extensive damage to its roof, the main structure of the building, and its equipment during the storm.

Speaking in November, Mr Binet initially said the abattoir would remain closed until mid-December for the “large amount” of work to be completed.

The department said: “The team were working all Saturday and Sunday – having reopened the facility slightly earlier than expected.

“It will also be operating on extra days this week and next week.”


Source – BBC News

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