Production manager prosecuted after obstructing FSA inspector

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A production manager who worked at Northampton meat company has been prosecuted after obstructing a Food Standards Agency (FSA) inspector.

Emma Nakova, of Braunston Close, was sentenced at Northampton Magistrates’ Court on January 17, 2024 after pleading guilty to the obstruction of an officer acting in the execution of the Hygiene Regulations.

The 46-year-old obstructed the officer on December 15, 2021 at a unit in Rothersthorpe Avenue, Far Cotton, home to Northamptonshire Food Services Ltd. The company is described as a mince meat establishment, meat preparation establishment, cold store cutting plant and rewrapping and repackaging establishment.

On sentencing her, the magistrate said: “You were the production manager at this company, and you knew full well that you must open the door to those who are looking to see if there are any offences or anything untoward in that business. That’s important because the agencies must know in order to protect public health if there is anything untoward going on at the premises.

“I take the view this was wilful blindness to it which gives high culpability and a category two offence, aggravated by the state of some of the meat in production.”

Nakova was sentenced to a fine of £500, victim surcharge of £200 and full prosecution costs of £12,118.18.


Carly Odell | Northampton Chronicle


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