China scraps Brazilian poultry tariff

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SAO PAULO : China’s government has opted to not renew a tariff on imports of poultry products from Brazil, the South American nation said on Tuesday.

China hit Brazil with a tariff of between 17.8 per cent and 34.2 per cent in 2019 on its poultry in a bid to prevent “dumping,” an industry term in which a market is flooded with cheaper product from abroad.

More than a dozen Brazilian firms had also signed “price commitments” with the Chinese government to keep prices above a certain level, Brazil’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

“Such measures harmed the competitiveness of Brazilian products in the Chinese market,” the ministry said.

Now, the import tariff on Brazilian poultry has “fallen to zero,” Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on social media network X.

The tariff expired on Feb. 17, according to the ministry.


Reuters | CNA

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