Plans For Isle of Wight Abattoir

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Discussions about establishing an abattoir on the Isle of Wight are progressing, with representatives of the National Farmers Union set to meet with the Farming Minister this week.

Local MP Bob Seely has arranged the meeting with Farming Minister Mark Spencer following a discussion held between the 2 earlier this year.

NFU members will now meet with the Minister on Wednesday (28th February) to discuss the Island abattoir project.

Mr Seely has said:

“Introducing an abattoir facility on the Island would improve the Island’s economy, ensure animals are treated more humanely, reduce food miles, and provide assurance that meat sold as Isle of Wight meat is from the Island.

“I will be asking Islanders to voice their opinions on the subject. They can either comment on my social media channels or ideally, they can email me with their thoughts.”


Darren Toogood | Island Echo

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