Three Councils Defy Plant-Based Movement in Support of Farmers

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Three councils, including the first in Scotland, have defied the plant-based movement in a show of support for farmers of all sectors.

Rutland County Council, Peterborough City Council, and Highland Council have all passed new pro-farming motions, becoming the latest to do so.

It comes after a string of other councils around the country voted to ban meat and dairy items on council-catered menus.

The pro-farming motions commit to encouraging residents to shop locally when purchasing food, including meat, dairy, and plant-based products, with the aim of reducing food miles to plates.


Rutland and Peterborough also committed to sourcing more home-grown produce at council-catered events, specifically including meat, dairy, and plant-based products.

The move comes after a string of councils around the UK have voted to ban meat and dairy items on council-catered menus elsewhere and committed to transitioning to fully plant-based catering for council meetings.


Farming UK

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