UK Cattle & Sheep Trade & Prices w/e 30/03

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Deadweight prime cattle prices were generally pressured in the latest week, with the GB all-prime average measure down by 2p/kg to 487.7p/kg for the week ending 30 March. The measure is now in-line with the same week last year.

Breaking the prime category down, overall steer and heifer prices saw declines of -2.7p and -2p respectively on last week, while overall young bull prices grew by 3.4p. Overall cow prices saw growth on the week, up by 4.1p to 352.7p/kg, the highest price seen since mid-July in 2023.

All regional steer and heifer averages saw declines to varying degrees. Meanwhile, for young bulls and cows, Northern prices were the only averages to decrease on the week.


GB deadweight sheep prices have fallen from highs last week, to 816.3p/kg. This is a fall of 22.5p (-3%) from the week ending 23 March but remains 233p (40%) higher than prices seen during the same week in 2023.

Supplies continue to be tight, as AHDB estimated GB kill sits just over 8% lower in the year to date compared to last year. For the week ending 30 March, throughputs fell 30% from the previous week, as Easter reduced kill days. More generally, industry commentary suggests that wet weather is impacting turn out and quantity of feed available.

UK lamb remains at a premium to its European counterparts at a farmgate level. Despite this, French markets have remained firm, albeit some stability in prices in recent days and softening in prices for more covered lambs. This points to sustained demand on the continent following Easter, with Eid Al-Fitr predicted for the 10 April.


Isabelle Shohet | AHDB

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