Beef and Lamb NZ rejects Britain’s NFU ‘lower standards’ claim

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Beef and Lamb New Zealand has hit back at claims lamb here is “produced to potentially lower standards than in the UK”.

Britain’s National Farmers Union (NFU) made the claim when reacting to news supermarket chain Morrisons is going to start selling New Zealand lamb in 39 of its stores.

NFU livestock board chairperson David Barton said he hoped the supermarket dropping its commitment to sell only British lamb was temporary and that the trial would come to an end.

“Recently, the UK farming unions wrote to the chief executive of Morrisons and other top retailers seeking support for the industry including a steadfast commitment to local sourcing in order to maintain food production across the UK and to safeguard our food security.”

He said the decision was “disappointing” at a time the British livestock industry was under pressure and that New Zealand lamb was “produced to potentially lower standards”.


Beef and Lamb New Zealand chairperson Kate Acland slammed the claims.

“We reject claims that New Zealand lamb is produced to a lower standard, we’ve been pushing back against that really strongly in the UK.”

These sorts of claims can be really damaging, and it was simply not true, she said.

Sally Murphy | RNZ

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