Britain becomes first country in Europe to approve lab-grown meat

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Britain has become the first country in Europe to approve lab-grown meat, paving the way for cultivated chicken to be sold in pet stores as early as this year. 

British start-up Meatly has received the green light from UK regulators for its lab-grown meat to be used in pet food, with plans to initially focus on dogs.

The first batches of pet food which include its cultivated chicken are expected to appear on sale towards the end of the year after taste trials have been conducted among dogs.

It means the UK will be the first European country where lab-grown pet food is available for people to buy.

Owen Ensor, Meatly’s chief executive and co-founder, said this followed a push from regulators and government to champion food innovation and speed up approval processes after Brexit, with the UK seizing on its “huge advantage”.

He said: “The European Union has traditionally been a more conservative regulator and the US is getting embroiled in food politics – unnecessarily, in my opinion. So the UK can really step up here.

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