South Korean beef buyers visit Irish farms and processors

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Bord Bia is hosting eight beef buyers from South Korea on a tour of Ireland, visiting beef farms and meat processors from July 15th to 20th.

The group, which includes leading meat importers and distributors from South Korea, will follow a busy itinerary designed to give them an understanding of the capabilities of Irish beef suppliers and the sustainable practices on Irish beef farms. Following visits to meat processors during the week, the buyers enjoyed a tour of John Purcell’s farm near Golden, County Tipperary on Wednesday, July 17th.

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Joe Moore, South Korea and Japan Manager with Bord Bia, commented: “We’re pleased to welcome these influential buyers to Ireland this week to learn more about Irish beef production across the supply chain. We have been building ties with Korean buyers over many years, aided by EU co-funded campaigns and trade missions. By inviting buyers to Ireland, we demonstrate Ireland’s commitment to the Korean market while helping to build long lasting commercial relationships.” 

In May, Ministers Charlie McConalogue and Martin Heydon announced the opening of the South Korean market for Irish beef after an extensive approval process, with seven plants approved to supply the market. In September, Bord Bia will host a Government-led trade mission to South Korea where Irish beef will be formally launched to consumers.

This follows from a previous Government trade mission to Seoul held in 2019 and a ‘Team Ireland’ trade mission to Korea in 2023.

Bord Bia

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